Upcoming webinars
Morning Coffee with VARA
In this webinar, our Managing Director Michael Vara will introduce our newly developed tool, VARA Consensus Platform, designed to streamline consensus management. Additionally, we will showcase our premium service, VARA Pro, which is specifically built to reliably publish consensus estimates.
Afternoon Cup With VARA
In this webinar, our Managing Director Michael Vara will introduce our newly developed tool, VARA Consensus Platform, designed to streamline consensus management. Additionally, we will showcase our premium service, VARA Pro, which is specifically built to reliably publish consensus estimates.
Morning Coffee with VARA - Introducing VARA Pro
Join us for a morning coffee and learn about the newest member of our family VARA Pro, an IR channel to publish high-quality estimates. The webinar will be held on Teams, Tuesday 17th of December at 8:30 (UTC+1).
Morning Coffee with VARA - Introducing VARA Pro
Join us for a morning coffee and learn about the newest member of our family VARA Pro, an IR channel to publish high-quality estimates. The webinar will be held on Teams, Monday 16th of December at 8:30 (UTC+1).